Christinas Baby Countdown

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Billings Update....

Dad and I had a party at our house this weekend. We hold an annual party for freshman who aren't old enough to go to T.W.I.R.P. (Prom backwards where the girls ask the boys) We call our party "The F.A.D. Party" Stands for Freshman Avoiding Dating. A progressive dinner, we go from house to house. We went to the Lewis' for appetizers and games, McLaws' house for dinner... Lots of "FAD" food like chicken on a stick and Tater Tot Casserole. We did it in FAD style. No plates or utensils. That was interesting! Then off to the Wells' for dessert and awards for The FADiest costume. Then swimming and toenail painting at the Wing's indoor pool! Great night and great fun!